Monopoly de Zelda
Etiquetas: Juegos de mesa, Zelda 1 comentarios
En realidad no existe pero hay varias ideas en la nube como para hacer algo decente si alguien las junta y se atreve, aquí van:

Inspirado en Ocarina del tiempo, las casillas son las siguientes comparadas con este tablero de monopoly normal:
1. Med. ave. = Links house
2. Community chest = Treasure chest
3. Baltic ave. = deku tree
4. Income tax = New sheild (or sheild tax, whichever fits best probly)
5. Reading railroad = kokiri bridge
6. Orientle avenue = lost woods
7. Chance = Great fairy
8. Vermont ave = sacred meadow (i think thats the right name, i mean the place where you learn sarias song either way)
9. Conneticut ave. = forest temple
10. In jail = gerudo fortress
11. St. charles place = kokariko village
12. Electric company = WindMill
13. States ave. = grave yard
14. Virginia ave. = shadow temple
15. Pensilvania railroad = death mountain path
16. Saint james place = death mountain
17. Community chest = treasure chest
18. Tennesse ave. = death mountain crater
19. New york ave. = fire temple
20. Free parking = fairy fountain
21. Kentucky ave. = lake hylia
22. Chance = great fairy
23. Indiana ave. = zoras domain
24. Illinois ave. = water temple
25. Railroad = zoras river path
26. Atlantic ave = gerudo valley
27. Ventnor ave = Oasis
28. Water works = zora river
29. Mavin gardens = spirit temple
30. Go to jail = captured by gerudos
31. Pacific ave. = castle garden
32. North carolina ave. = market
33. Community chest = treasure chest
34. Pennsivania ave. = Temple of time
35. Short line = rainbow bridge
36. Chance = great fairy
37. Park place = ganons tower
38. Luxery tax = Iron Knuckle attack
39. Boardwalk = ganondorfs chambers
40. (1) = go, start, or start adventure, ect. (undecided)
Tarjetas de propiedad:
En este tipo de juegos se utilizan billetes pero por ser Zelda lo mejor sería utilizar cuentas de vidrio, acrílico o plástico para simular las rupias (pero después de horas de búsqueda frustrada no las pude encontrar, sé que existen por esto pero ARG!), existen muy parecidas en el mercado: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 y 9, aunque también se pueden hacer de resina con un molde y es así que están hechas éstas y éstas.
Pero como ya vimos que es muy difícil cumplir esta parte de las rupias, quizás sea una buena opción hacerlas de papel, tan fácil es como diseñarlas en tu computadora e imprimirlas, aquí o acá hay unas para descargar.
Aunque si, entiendo que los billetes son mucho más fáciles en todas las cuestiones:
Ideas para tarjetas extra:
Complementarias al tablero 4:
Chance cards (great fairy) cards
1. Find secret cave - collect 50$
2. Return MS to pedastal of time - go back 7 spaces
3. Pull MS from pedastal of time - advance 7 spaces
4. Win treasure game - collect 100$ (rupees)
5. Caught by Gerudos - go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 rupees
6. Horse runs out of carrots - lose a turn
7. Win Quiver upgrade - collect 50 rupees
8. Use farores wind - Advance to go, collect 200 rupees
9. collect 3 spiritual stones - advance to Temple of Time (thanks again mattocks)
10. Gerudo membership - get out of jail free, card may be kept or sold
11. Play ocarina and warp to nearest bridge/path
12. Pursued by Peahat Larvae - Roll Dice, if 7 or over, nothing happens, if 6 or lower, lose 1 turn
13. Need potions - pay 100 rupees
14. Play the super cucco game at Lon Lon ranch - pay 50 rupees
15. "HEY LISTEN!!!" Navi says you should go to the temple of time.
16. Ouch! You just rolled into a tree - lose a turn
Community chest (treasure chest) cards
1. You were beat by hyrule postman in a race - pay 100 rupees
2. You break pots in every one's houses - collect 50 rupees from each hero
3. Pay hospital 100 rupees (have a cool picture of link in bandages and on crutches lol)
4. You have insurance on all the pots inside of your houses - collect 40 rupees per house/ 115 rupees per hotel (*house and *hotel subject to change)
5. Pay to play the bomchu game - pay 150 rupees
6. Get bunny hood - advance to go collect 200 rupees
7. Kings tax - pay 50 rupees
8. Gerudo membership - get out of jail free
9. Captured by gerudos - go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 rupees
10. hitch a ride with Kaepora Gaebora - advance 5 spaces
11. Follow the music - advance to ganondorfs chambers
12. Learn new ocarina song - collect 50 rupees
13. Receive ocarina from saria - advance 2 spaces
14. Receive ocarina of time from princess zelda - advance 4 spaces
15. Get lost in hyrule field - lose a turn
16. Caught using sinking lure - pay 150 rupees
Tipografías que se puede usar en el diseño.
Hay varias opciones:
-Personajes: Zelda, Link, Ganondorf, Saria, un Goron, un Zorra, un Gerudo, un cucco.
-Versiones de Link: Algo así.
-Herramientas: Bombas, espada maestra, ocarina del tiempo, ocarina de Saria, las tres piedras sagradas.
-Máscaras: Algo así.
Tableros 1, 2, 3 y 4
Tarjetas de propiedad
Tarjetas extra y lista de casillas del tablero 4
Otra tarjetas extra
Espero esto te de una idea de qué comprar o qué nuevo proyecto empezar, saludos.

Inspirado en Ocarina del tiempo, las casillas son las siguientes comparadas con este tablero de monopoly normal:
1. Med. ave. = Links house
2. Community chest = Treasure chest
3. Baltic ave. = deku tree
4. Income tax = New sheild (or sheild tax, whichever fits best probly)
5. Reading railroad = kokiri bridge
6. Orientle avenue = lost woods
7. Chance = Great fairy
8. Vermont ave = sacred meadow (i think thats the right name, i mean the place where you learn sarias song either way)
9. Conneticut ave. = forest temple
10. In jail = gerudo fortress
11. St. charles place = kokariko village
12. Electric company = WindMill
13. States ave. = grave yard
14. Virginia ave. = shadow temple
15. Pensilvania railroad = death mountain path
16. Saint james place = death mountain
17. Community chest = treasure chest
18. Tennesse ave. = death mountain crater
19. New york ave. = fire temple
20. Free parking = fairy fountain
21. Kentucky ave. = lake hylia
22. Chance = great fairy
23. Indiana ave. = zoras domain
24. Illinois ave. = water temple
25. Railroad = zoras river path
26. Atlantic ave = gerudo valley
27. Ventnor ave = Oasis
28. Water works = zora river
29. Mavin gardens = spirit temple
30. Go to jail = captured by gerudos
31. Pacific ave. = castle garden
32. North carolina ave. = market
33. Community chest = treasure chest
34. Pennsivania ave. = Temple of time
35. Short line = rainbow bridge
36. Chance = great fairy
37. Park place = ganons tower
38. Luxery tax = Iron Knuckle attack
39. Boardwalk = ganondorfs chambers
40. (1) = go, start, or start adventure, ect. (undecided)
Tarjetas de propiedad:
En este tipo de juegos se utilizan billetes pero por ser Zelda lo mejor sería utilizar cuentas de vidrio, acrílico o plástico para simular las rupias (pero después de horas de búsqueda frustrada no las pude encontrar, sé que existen por esto pero ARG!), existen muy parecidas en el mercado: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 y 9, aunque también se pueden hacer de resina con un molde y es así que están hechas éstas y éstas.
Pero como ya vimos que es muy difícil cumplir esta parte de las rupias, quizás sea una buena opción hacerlas de papel, tan fácil es como diseñarlas en tu computadora e imprimirlas, aquí o acá hay unas para descargar.
Aunque si, entiendo que los billetes son mucho más fáciles en todas las cuestiones:
Ideas para tarjetas extra:
Complementarias al tablero 4:
Chance cards (great fairy) cards
1. Find secret cave - collect 50$
2. Return MS to pedastal of time - go back 7 spaces
3. Pull MS from pedastal of time - advance 7 spaces
4. Win treasure game - collect 100$ (rupees)
5. Caught by Gerudos - go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 rupees
6. Horse runs out of carrots - lose a turn
7. Win Quiver upgrade - collect 50 rupees
8. Use farores wind - Advance to go, collect 200 rupees
9. collect 3 spiritual stones - advance to Temple of Time (thanks again mattocks)
10. Gerudo membership - get out of jail free, card may be kept or sold
11. Play ocarina and warp to nearest bridge/path
12. Pursued by Peahat Larvae - Roll Dice, if 7 or over, nothing happens, if 6 or lower, lose 1 turn
13. Need potions - pay 100 rupees
14. Play the super cucco game at Lon Lon ranch - pay 50 rupees
15. "HEY LISTEN!!!" Navi says you should go to the temple of time.
16. Ouch! You just rolled into a tree - lose a turn
Community chest (treasure chest) cards
1. You were beat by hyrule postman in a race - pay 100 rupees
2. You break pots in every one's houses - collect 50 rupees from each hero
3. Pay hospital 100 rupees (have a cool picture of link in bandages and on crutches lol)
4. You have insurance on all the pots inside of your houses - collect 40 rupees per house/ 115 rupees per hotel (*house and *hotel subject to change)
5. Pay to play the bomchu game - pay 150 rupees
6. Get bunny hood - advance to go collect 200 rupees
7. Kings tax - pay 50 rupees
8. Gerudo membership - get out of jail free
9. Captured by gerudos - go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 rupees
10. hitch a ride with Kaepora Gaebora - advance 5 spaces
11. Follow the music - advance to ganondorfs chambers
12. Learn new ocarina song - collect 50 rupees
13. Receive ocarina from saria - advance 2 spaces
14. Receive ocarina of time from princess zelda - advance 4 spaces
15. Get lost in hyrule field - lose a turn
16. Caught using sinking lure - pay 150 rupees
Tipografías que se puede usar en el diseño.
Hay varias opciones:
-Personajes: Zelda, Link, Ganondorf, Saria, un Goron, un Zorra, un Gerudo, un cucco.
-Versiones de Link: Algo así.
-Herramientas: Bombas, espada maestra, ocarina del tiempo, ocarina de Saria, las tres piedras sagradas.
-Máscaras: Algo así.
Tableros 1, 2, 3 y 4
Tarjetas de propiedad
Tarjetas extra y lista de casillas del tablero 4
Otra tarjetas extra
Espero esto te de una idea de qué comprar o qué nuevo proyecto empezar, saludos.
1 comentarios:
de lujo. mil gracias
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